Whatever your gender, young or old, if you are considering a career change, the timber industry could be for you if you are motivated and willing to learn.

Scierie Lemaire is a job creator and aims to boost the local economy with each recruitment, with a positive impact at every stage.

A unique working environment

Scierie Lemaire is located in the village of Moussey, in the heart of the Vosges pine forest. It mainly processes coniferous wood from the surrounding forests. This green environment is undoubtedly a strong recruitment argument. The company is committed to preserving and developing its local values, staying in its current location and employing local people wherever possible.

A friendly and welcoming atmosphere

In addition, the men and women of the region are known for upholding values such as mutual aid and honesty, fostering healthy and supportive working relationships.
Despite the hard work, interactions between colleagues remain convivial.

A contagious passion

At the sawmill, it's not unusual to see generations working together. Fathers and sons or brothers and sisters often work side by side, sharing a common passion for the wood industry. Sharing and passing on knowledge are core values at Scierie Lemaire.

CSR initiatives

The sawmill contributes to sustainable development. It promotes local employment and contributes to the development of the local economy. Most of the current employees come from the Vosges département. The company also uses the surrounding forests for its activities and supports short supply chains in all its processes.
